Tuesday, November 25, 2008


At last. This has been brewing for a while, and I hope this will be my last rant on Prop 8. For now.

My open letter to Prop 8 supporters (and opponents as well):

Please tell me who is the man and the woman in this line from a very popular 80's song:

    "I can't stand this indecision, married with a lack of vision.
    Everybody wants to rule the world...
    " -- Tears for Fears (1985)

Then, GOOGLE for "married it to" and try answering the same question for the thousands of pages you see "married" used in regards to concepts, technology, music, food, ideologies and more.

The term "marriage" is OBVIOUSLY not limited to humans. It is a term, like "mixing" "adding" or "combining" that has a clear and specific meaning, for which no other word is adequate.

And you ... you flagrant hypocrites ... YOU accuse US of attempting to re-define "marriage"?

When it is YOU, running around like crazy doomsday prophets, screaming "Only 1 man and 1 woman!" You act as if that one statistically dominant characteristic of marriage is MORE important then the love, the oaths of fidelity, the commitment, the joining of two together for life, and all the many other aspects of marriage.

This is like trying to define "human" as "only bipeds with opposable thumbs". Yes, the vast majority are lucky to fit that definition. Your pathetic definition does not make the unlucky "non-human". If you are going to re-define things like crazy people, you might as well believe that "Socrates is a dog" and wash your hands of logic and reason entirely.

And, speaking of definitions, have you even bothered to check a dictionary lately? Here, try http://www.merriam-webster.com, or http://dictinary.com Go on, read the ENTIRE definition. I'll wait.

So anyway...

Congratulations. You have successfully crammed your sanctimonious thumbs into the eyes of the government of the State of California, effectively blinding it so that it can no longer recognize gay marriage, even though it is clearly standing right there in plain sight.

You've even fooled many of the citizens into thinking that gay marriage requires state recognition.


In this country, we are guaranteed Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. Despite your attempts to destroy the beliefs of nearly half the voters in California, you can NOT take away:

Our right to SAY that we are married.

Our right to BELIEVE that we are married.

Our right to LIVE as married couples.

Some day the state will recover from the McCarthist Freedom-Destroying attack that left it blinded to reality. Until then...

We may not be recognized by the state.

But we will be HEARD until we are SEEN.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Anti-8 Rally

Mr.-Flier-Destroyer failed in his mission to avert today's rally.

My camera phone is tragic... these shots don't properly convey the magnitude of the march. It stretched from the north end of Balboa Park to downtown, (2-3 miles). It was packed with chanters of "What do we want? Equal Rights! When do we want it? Right now!" and "Gay, Straight, Black, White, Marriage is a Civil Right!".

I saw less than five Yes-On-8 counter-protesters along the route. Volunteers successfully encouraged the marchers to just ignore them... (though there was this nine year old girl spoiling for a confrontation... but her parents reigned her in).

I jumped out of the parade a few times to get a good vantage point, and could see neither the head nor the tail of the procession. Of the people I could see, I would guess around 80,000, with unknown more further ahead and behind. And, yes, there were many black people marching with us.

This had none of the flamboyance of a pride parade, the mood was much more serious.

The message was clear: We believe that America is about Justice and Liberty for ALL.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yet more prop 8 hate.

(no this isn't my last rant as promised in the previous post, that's still brewing).

I was physically assaulted (pushed, grabbed and shoved) today by some un-Christ-like fundie freak.

I had seen him tearing down rally flier after rally flier, and got fed up with it, so I stood between him and one of the fliers. Clearly he interpreted that as an attack and responded physically.

The fliers are for the national Protest Prop 8 rally this coming Saturday. (more on that at: http://protest8sandiego.wordpress.com/)

Anyone that destroys the just freedoms and liberties of others...
deserve to have their own freedoms and liberties revoked.

Taxing their intolerant churches would be an excellent response.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Prop 8


So close, and yet.

This isn't over.... and I have one more *major* Prop 8 rant coming after this one.

I still have hope that some day this piece of ... religious bigotry will be erased. Unfortunately we have to wait for most of the selfish, petty & closed-minded to die of old age.

Way to go people. Screw "Live and let live". Forget "Thou shalt not judge." Embrace "Hate thy neighbor" and save the children from your imaginary harms.

As if same gender parents is worse than being a child of divorce. Prop 8 perpetuates the need for conservative gay Californians to LIE and let themselves be wrongly trapped in straight marriages. Marriages that often fail years later.

I strongly believe that Churches deserve to lose their tax exempt status for pushing Prop 8.

Let that be next election's Prop 8, I'll rally for it.